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Designing a receipt
Receipts can be personalized by adding a logo and amending the text.
To add a logo
go to UTILITIES – DOCUMENTS – CREATE NEW and fill in the various boxes.
Click the box entitled “Document purpose” select from the drop-down box Image/Logo. At the foot of the screen you can click on the box “Choose File” and then you can select the logo file from your own computer.
When finished click SAVE
Now go to SETTINGS – CUSTOM FIELDS – and scroll down to the box entitled “Image to display on receipt (uploaded document of type Image)” from the drop down box select your previously saved logo file.
The setting positions of Left 150, Top 20 and width 40 work well.
There may be occasions where you don’t want the Branch Name to appear in green in the top left of the receipt.
The program uses the “Branch full name for receipts” if entered in the CUSTOM FIELDS, if blank it defaults to the “ER2” branch name (which is not editable)
To avoid the branch name appearing insert a “.” or some inconspicuous / non printable character in the “branch full name” field.
Other text can be added in the “Custom Text for membership receipt PDF”