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Association and Branch settings
As most Associations have branches the ER2 system was designed to manage that arrangement
EVERY Association now treated as though it has branches. If the Association and Branch are the same and for the sake of this article, we will give the Association the number of 999
The Association manager will then have access to 999.* where the asterix stands for ALL of the Associations branches.
If there is only one branch then it is usually given the number of “0” but sometimes “10”
There for members of the branch will have a membership number of 999.0.1234
The “999.*” account is the one that has the overall Association settings. Typically the Association will have a different bank account from the Branches. Also there are other Association wide settings that can be made eg Setting the “Beekeeper near you Map” and now the “BBKA Learning Platform” consent button.
To access 999.* the Officer/User must have Manager status. but will also need a separate logon to access the 999.0 (Branch) records.
These two Username/Logons must be different and unique across the whole of the ER2 system.