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PDF with receipt
It is possible to create a bespoke email to send out with the receipt and this email can have a PDF attached.
- Create a DOCUMENT to hold the pdf. Having done so go back into the created document and attach the PDF.
- Create a template and use the data source of “Online renewal confirmation” write your email and then attach the PDF you created in step one.
- In SETTINGS – CUSTOM FIELDS scroll down to the field marked “Email template to send to member after online renewal” select the template you have just written.
Now when-ever you send out a receipt, this letter will accompany it instead of the system default email.
There are other data sets that can be used for other situations.
“Online application invitation” – Sent to a new member
“Online application confirmation” – Sent on receipt of a new member application
“Online renewal invitation” – Sent to existing members asking them to renew
“Online renewal confirmation” – Sent to existing members after receipt of membership fees.